Looking to take your Mother’s Day Breakfast to the next level? Here’s a FREE breakfast printable set up that will leave her so impressed!
The ultimate go-to surprise every mom loves is a Mother’s Day breakfast! Better yet, a breakfast in bed where she doesn’t even have to get up!
If you want a way to step up your Mother’s Day breakfast game and really wow mom this year, you absolutely need this printable! This will make setting up the perfect breakfast a breeze!
So, no boring breakfast surprise for mom this year! She’ll be taking photos and showing off her beautiful and thoughtful breakfast all over instagram and facebook.
This post is all about the perfect Mother’s Day breakfast set up that will leave mom super impressed!
The Ultimate Mother’s Day Breakfast
Hi friends,
I’m so excited to share this little mother’s day printable set up I threw together for you all. There are five parts to this little printable to help you create the most thoughtful breakfast ever. I’m going to go over each part included in this printable and ideas on how to use them.
1. The Menu – Mother’s Day Breakfast
First, the mother’s day breakfast menu! Let’s start with the menu printable.. we’re giving momma all the best food! We have drink options, main dishes, sides, fresh fruit and eggs! If you have all these foods on hand a fun options might be to let her circle her choices and place an “order”.
2. Pennants
Next, the adorable pennants! This is such a fun and simple way to add a little something extra to moms breakfast. Print these out, cut them and glue them to a small wooden dowel. We use dowels from the Dollar Tree but I found some on Amazon here for less than $5 if you’d rather order them. We put the “yummy! made with love!” pennant right in stack of pancakes. Another cute option might be to have them peaking out of a vase of flowers.
3. Mother’s Day Questionnaire
This little questionnaire makes a great keepsake for mom! Help your little one answer the questions or have them fill out the blanks on their own if they’re old enough. You can make multiple copies if you have more than one child or you can make it a group effort.
4. Mother’s Day Breakfast Banner
Banners are such an easy way to decorate! Print the banner, cut it out, use a hole puncher and thread it together with either twine, ribbon or string. If you have a little tray you plan to use for the breakfast, this would be adorable hanging from it. If not, another cute option would be simply hanging up on moms bed headboard or somewhere fun in the kitchen for when she gets up.
5. The Flowers
OMG I think this printable is too cute!! As a mom myself, I would die over this. You can give this as just an extra little gift to compliment the other trendy gifts you got her or you can turn it into a card. To put this together, print it out and fill out the flower prompts. There are 3 different flower prompts with “I love how..” “I love when..” and “I love your..” to fill out. Next, dot glue along the vase everywhere except the top. It’s important not to glue it all the way so that you still have a pocket for the flowers. Glue the vase to either a card or a just a separate blank piece of paper.
6. The Coupons (BONUS)
An additional free gift idea is to give mom a coupon book she can redeem all year! We have an entire post where you can get this free printable too! This printable will come with 3 sheets of pre-filled coupons as well as 3 sheets of blank coupons too. Don’t worry, we have additional coupon ideas over on that post to help you customize them if you decide to do your own.
Download FREE Mother’s Day Breakfast Printable Here!
I hope this printable helps you easily make a beautiful breakfast set up for the mom in your life. Share it on facebook to give the dad friends in your life a little hint on how to make this Mother’s Day extra special.. Sometimes they need a little push and this is fool proof haha! Speaking of dads, let me know if we should make a Father’s Day dinner printable set up too! Follow me on instagram and share your opinions with me. (ALSO, if you use this pleassseee take photos and post them, I’d love to see and share them!)
I love the fact that I can print out the ideas you gave us. The menu seems very child friendly.