Are you looking for fun and unique ideas and ways to make your baby’s first halloween special? Here are 15 scary cute ideas for baby’s first halloween to make it a memorable one!
Hi friends!
Let’s be real.. the only thing better than being a kid during the holidays is having a kid during the holidays. I swear I get more excited for holidays than my own kids but there’s something so special about seeing the magic come to life right before your little ones eyes. Here are 15 activities to do with your baby to make their first Halloween memorable for you & fun for them!
Ways To Make Baby’s First Halloween Special!
1. Baby In a Pumpkin
Okay, this one is probably more for the parents but its definitely a must! Nothing cuter than those baby in a pumpkin photos!
2. Pumpkin Hand/Footprint Keepsake
These are super popular around Christmas time as ornaments but clay castings for babies first Halloween are adorable too! Shape the mold in a pumpkin using a large pumpkin cookie cutter & make a hand or footprint. Paint it orange and add the date/their name to always remember how tiny those little hands or feet were during their very first halloween!
Luna Bean Deluxe Baby Handprint and Footprint Kit
Halloween Pumpkin Cookie Cutter, 4″
3. Go For a Hike or Nature Trail Walk
Get outside and enjoy some fresh air! Strap baby to you in your favorite carrier and go for a hike or get your stroller out and go for a light and easy nature trail walk. Baby will love seeing all the colorful leaves, hearing the crunch & feeling the cool autumn breeze. Always an easy, free & fun activity. Google and look for a new trail to visit every week!
4. Baby Booty Pumpkin Painting
So cute! Pick up a blank canvas at your local craft store, paint baby’s booty orange & add a stem! Nothing cuter than a little baby bum!
5. Visit a Pumpkin Patch
Baby might not be old enough to enjoy a corn pit or pillow jump but I’d definitely still take a trip to the pumpkin patch that first year! Pick out an adorable fall outfit for baby & go enjoy some fall fun! Spiked cider for momma or a chance to take cute pumpkin patch photos? Yes please! Plus everyone loves cooing over a little baby all dressed up for the holiday! Show off that cutie!
7. Read Halloween Books Together
Reading is an obvious choice for baby any time but there’s something extra special about halloween themed books! Here are a few of my favorite halloween books for babies!
- Where Is Baby’s Pumpkin? (Karen Katz Lift-the-Flap Books)
- Haunted Clubhouse (Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)
- The Itsy Bitsy Pumpkin
- Peek-a-Boooo! (Heart-felt Books)
- Trick or Treat, Baby Shark!: Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (A Baby Shark Book)
- Boo: Peek-a-Flap Board Book
- Trick or Treat, Little Pumpkin (Finger Puppet Board Books) (Children’s Interactive Finger Puppet Board Book)
- Pop-Up Peekaboo! Pumpkin: Pop-Up Surprise Under Every Flap!
- Halloween ABC
- Duck & Goose, Find a Pumpkin
I’m linking an extra one because it’s a little too much for a baby but my toddler absolutely loves Goodnight Goon.. It’s a play on Goodnight Moon and its a favorite around here! If you have older kiddos or wanna grab it early for maybe next year, check it out!
Goodnight Goon: a Petrifying Parody
8. Special halloween bath time
Lush has adorable Halloween themed bath bombs to give baby (or yourself) an exciting bath.. Order a couple halloween themed bath toys from Amazon & its sure to be a good time!

Amazon even has an entire halloween bath box with halloween themed toys and bath bombs!
Spooky Bubble Bath Bombs for Kids
9. Make a boo basket
Similar to an Easter bask but make it spooky ! Target has a ton of ideas for adorable boo baskets! Ive seen several instagram posts about them too! Super cute, something you can definitely make into a yearly tradition!

10. Make a custom onesie
Do you have a cutting machine like a Cricut? If so, make a custom onesie with your littles name on it in a pumpkin or under a witch hat! Get creative! If you don’t have a cutting machine you can still find adorable custom onesies on Etsy! Even though babies outgrow clothes like crazy, be sure to keep this one as a baby’s first Halloween keepsake!

11. Take baby on a wagon ride
If your little one is old enough to sit up take them for a wagon ride through the neighborhood to look at all the festive and spooky halloween decorated houses! This is another photo op too! Find a giant tree with colorful leaves & snap some cute photos of baby in the wagon under the tree!
12. Halloween Themed Sensory Bag/Bottle
Similar to the sensory bin idea we mentioned previously, this one is better aimed for younger babies. Get a zip lock baggie, fill it about 1/3 way full on water, add some halloween themed trinkets and duct tape it to the floor! Baby will enjoy endless fun watching the items bounce and swish around!
13. Make baby’s first Halloween costume!
Even if you aren’t super crafty there are plenty of easy DIY costume ideas for babies! My daughters first halloween costume was a ghost tutu dress I made for her.. she looked adorable and we still have it! She’s almost five now and loves to see it every year, its so special to her even now so I’m sure she’ll hold it dear to her when she’s all grown up too!
14. Halloween movie night
Grab your coziest blankets and all the pillows you can find, get comfy and watch a kid friendly halloween classic like Its The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse – Mickey’s Treat! If baby is old enough, maybe even let them have a special halloween cookie to enjoy with the movie! Another fun tradition to enjoy for years to come!
15. Go trick or treating
Okay, this one seems obvious but I see so many moms skip out on that first year because they think baby is too little. I’ll have you know no one is too young or too old to go trick or treating! Get that baby dressed up & go trick or treating! Everyone loves seeing a baby in an adorable halloween costume & hey, you deserve a treat on Halloween too! If you stop by my house carrying a little monster I’ll be sure to slip you a mini spirit bottle 😉
For more Halloween fun and activities follow me on Pinterest!