Interested in finding a few fun ways to introduce new food textures to your baby? This post will share 7 healthy and yummy ideas that baby will love to explore!
One of the best things about baby led weaning is the freedom of allowing your little one the chance to explore foods in all their glory!
Babies love to getting messy and using all of their sense to explore foods. I’m always looking for exciting and healthy ways to introduce them to new food textures.
These 7 ideas are a huge hit in my house. Your baby will love experiencing these new textures and you’ll love that they’re healthy!
This post is all about 7 ways to introduce new food textures to baby!
Healthy Toppings To Add Texture
1. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are a great, healthy food packed with all kind of benefits! Two benefits that stand out to me are that they’re a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for baby’s cognitive growth. Fiber of course keeps you feeling full for longer and helps keep cholesterol and blood sugars in check.
2. Hemp Seeds
Next up, hemp seeds! We love hemp seeds here! These powerful seeds are a complete protein all on their own. Similar to chia seeds, these also pack in a lot of fiber! Hemp seeds also contain tons of vitamins and minerals making them a great choice for baby!
3. Quinoa
Lastly, quinoa! This ancient grain has all 9 amino acids making it a complete protein as well! Quinoa is gluten free making it an awesome option for babies with gluten sensitivity. It’s rich in manganese, folate and magnesium. We love quinoa’s nutty flavor and light, fluffy texture.
Easy & Healthy Ideas To Introduce New Food Textures
1. Chia Seed Pudding
How do I even describe the texture of chia seed pudding? I’ll say its not really like pudding at all in my opinion. It has a bit of a slimy and gelatinous texture. Chia seed pudding is very easy to make.. Here’s a basic recipe you can build off of to your baby’s liking:
Chia Seed Pudding:
1/2 cup almond milk (unsweetened)
1/2 cup coconut milk
1TBS of our maple syrup
1/4 cup chia seeds
Combine all ingredients into a mason jar and whisk it together. Let it sit for a few minutes and then shake the jar up a bit once again before setting it in the fridge overnight. Alternatively, you can let it sit in the fridge for about 2 hours if you want it sooner. This recipe makes 3 adult servings. We personally keep it in a single mason jar and just give baby small portions as sides or a snack.
3. Seaweed Snacks – New Food Textures
If you’ve never had seaweed snacks, what are you waiting for? In my opinion, you’re totally missing out. I feel like seaweed snacks are one of those foods that you either love or hate. No in-between. Luckily, in my house, everyone expect dad loves them! Seaweed snacks have a light, airy and crispy texture to them. The texture changes a bit as you eat them. They’re absolutely delicious. We love these ones from amazon!
4. Spaghetti Squash
Let’s be completely honest here. Can we all agree that spaghetti squash is nothing like real spaghetti? Straight up, it’s just not. Still, spaghetti squash can make a delicious meal and has a very fun texture! I love this as a way to introduce new food textures because it’s pretty versatile. You can make hash browns with it, use it as a quiche crust or just as “spaghetti”. With each of my kids, they all immediately went to town squishing it between their fingers as soon as I gave it to them. Spaghetti squash can be hard to cut open but is very easy to cook.
How to cook spaghetti squash:
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
- Cut off each end of the squash then stand it up and cut longways
- Using a spoon, scoop out the seeds similarly to how you would a pumpkin
- Drizzle with just enough olive oil to cover each half
- Lightly salt and pepper (I add garlic powder too personally)
- Place cut side down on parchment paper and bake for 40-60 minutes depending on size
- Crust will be fork tender when done
- Once done, use a fork to scrape the insides. It will naturally appear spaghetti-like
5. Quinoa Covered Avocado – New Food Textures
Such a simple and easy way to make avocados a little more interesting. I’m all for easy ways to introduce new food textures and this one is pretty solid. Avocado and quinoa pair very nicely together and make an excellent snack! Simply cut an avocado in half, then cut one half length wise. Next, roll in cooked quinoa and thats it! My little guy absolutely loves this and I’m sure your little one will as well.
6. Freeze Dried Fruits
Freeze dried foods have a light, crispy texture that sort of melts in your mouth. Another great and ridiculously easy way to introduce new food textures. I remember loving freeze dried apples as a kid, I would always keep them in my mouth until they were completely “melted”.
Natierra Nature’s Organic Freeze-Dried Strawberries & Apples
7. Bananas Rolled In Hemp Seeds – New Food Textures
I think bananas are pretty much a staple first food when it comes to baby led weaning. This idea is an easy way to change it up and introduce new food textures while still giving them something familiar. We peel a banana and cut it in half (about finger length), spread peanut butter and then roll it hemp seeds. We enjoying using Justin’s Classic Peanut Butter Spread since it only has two ingredients. I also like Kroger’s natural creamy peanut butter which is a fraction of the price and also only has two ingredients – roasted peanuts and salt. I know everyone feels differently about introducing peanut butter early on but it’s considered totally safe. Some say it might even help reduce the risk of developing a peanut allergy later on. This is a protein loaded snack! Sticky, lumpy and mushy all in one!
One of the reasons I love baby led weaning so much is the opportunity it provides to really allow baby to explore food with all of their senses. Introducing new food textures to baby is so exciting and important for them.
Don’t mistake this post for the idea that every single thing we serve baby is top of the line healthy, I’m just winging this shit as we go like everyone else. I am not a nutritionist by any means so please do not take this as professional advice. Always speak with your doctor before introducing anything to baby that you are unsure about.
If no one has told you yet today, you’re doing an amazing job! You are a badass momma and you’re totally rocking this whole new food thing! Always remember to give yourself grace and to take time for you.
Talk soon,